Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Simple Reminder

I recently was reminded of a simple fact that we all know.  That fact is this, prayer is talking to God.  (Let that sink in...)  Prayer is talking to GOD.  Prayer is talking with the Creator of the universe, the one who spoke and all that is came into being, the Savior of my soul, the sustainer of the universe!  That is who we talk to when we pray.  

When we step into the presence of God through prayer, we must come humbly and reverently.  The majestic, holy God is the one we are about to speak to.  When we pray, let's not think of God as our buddy or pal, or the big guy up there who helps us our when we're in a pinch.  He is God, and He is holy.  

"HOLY HOLY HOLY is the Lord God Almighty."  That's exactly what He is - holy - wholly separate and wholly different than us.  He is holy - completely distinct and completely perfect.  He is holy - untainted by sin and not marred by it's grasp.  When you see God as this, you will begin to see yourself by caparison and only be able to say "thank you."

Before we step into the presence of our Maker, let's remember that simple fact, that we are stepping into the presence of our MAKER and He is HOLY!

Ecclesiastes 5:2
"Be not rash with your mouth, not let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth.  Therefore, let your words be few." 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pursued with Purpose

I have been pursued by a Savior.  He pursued me, called me, redeemed me, sealed me, and continues to sanctify me.  What a Savior!

God saves people for His glory and for our benefit.  He brings us from death to life - a life that is to be holy and blameless.  Ephesians 1 tells us that God chose us "that we should be holy and blameless"(v4).  God pursues us with the purpose of making us holy.  We are made holy through Jesus' blood, of course.  So we are to strive to live a life that reflects the inward change that has taken place.  Romans 6 says, "How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?"  A few verses later Paul urges us to present ourselves as "slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification."

Thank you, God, for pursuing me.  Thank you for calling me unto yourself - for redeeming me through Jesus' blood - for sealing me with your Holy Spirit - and for continuing to sanctify me.  Please conform me to the image of Your Son.  

Everyday is an opportunity to become more like Jesus.  Everyday brings challenges and opportunities where we can choose to become more Christ-like or more like our old dead self.  Let's take Paul's advice today to "walk in newness of life" (Rom 6:4).